Saturday, June 13, 2009

Of parrots, copycats and knock-offs...

I'm super-irked. Some people are such wannabes and copycats! It's pathetic. It's ridiculous.

Imitation is the LAMEST form of flattery. That's my stand and I'm sticking to it. And this time, when I say "imitation", I'm not just talking about designer knock-offs which are so prevalent in M'sia. I'm talking about living, breathing, walking imitations... people who copy other people.

Recently, a certain Lil Miss Wannabe has decided to parrot (verb) me; and her constant shameless copying of the words I use and the way I talk and write; is plain tap-dancing on my nerves. And parroting is just a tiny chunk off her entire nauseating wannabe-esque. Oh yes, there's more... I can assure you there's more. But I'm not gonna list them down here. Because I refuse to waste time on people who are nuts. In the words of Dilbert, "If you spend all of your time arguing with people who are nuts, you'll be exhausted and the nuts will still be nuts."

A mutual friend once 'reported' to me that Lil Miss Wannabe is (and I paraphrase) "trying to appear cooler than she actually is". I do not disagree.

People who try too hard just baffle and annoy me to no end. I think the most unimpressive people are the ones who are constantly trying to impress others (talk about irony!).

It's like who they are; got lost in the turbulence of trying to keep up this illusion of a faux-person they *think* others would love.

All this reminds me of one of the quotes I used during those public speaking competitions from high school: "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." I loved that quote then, and I still do now. I do believe that people are better off when they learn to ditch attempts of trying to be bad Xeroxes of other people, and work on being the awesomest-possible unique master copy of themselves. (Note: I'm aware that 'awesomest' is technically not a *real* word. But I just like saying it. It's my thing, let it go :P)

When I first started writing this, I was angry. But now I realize that there's really no reason to be angry at copycats.. be it Lil Miss Wannabe, or any other copycat I have or will come across. Getting angry is a waste of energy (I've got a better use for that energy - save it for my next weight-training session!) and totally unnecessary. Why let 'little nothings' upset me? Let 'em be. Let 'em copy all they want. After all, keep that up, and the only person they're damaging is themselves. (Side note: I'm struggling to resist the temptation to type "*insert evil laugh here*" after my last sentence, LOL)

Because when you come to think of it, if someone's a second-rate version of you, and you're a first-rate version of you, then saying who's better is merely stating the obvious, isn't it? :)

P/S. Two things don't change though... (1) I still think that imitation is the lamest form of flattery. (2) I still hate designer knock-offs. Blearch.


  1. LOL...someone stepped on your tail, eh, Pau? Talk about imitating someone else... in my line of work, I've always have a prob with plagiarism, and it pissed me off to no end, because at the end of the day, someone else gets credit for what is actually MY work in the first place.

    I've always agree with the 'Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else', and that's exactly what I did, and I am truly glad i took your advice in being myself, for if i did not, I do not think i will be a better person today.

    ps: Speaking of nut, what happened to the nutcracker? LMAO... married d ah? And yeah, I went out and met Seong Eng the other day, and boy, have i got loads of juicy juicy news bout Ms.'I keep a lot of Concubine'! Mwhahahahaha!

  2. Memang menakutkan when you're angry.
    *zuzu shift two steps away*
    (I just did that copy thing. Heheh!)
